A Tribute to Christianity Today & Today’s Christian Woman

In a #bittersweet farewell of sorts, I’m writing to say my time as online editor of Today’s Christian Woman  has officially come to an end. I wrapped up 18 months at Christianity Today Friday to take a new job — as Editor of Wheaton Magazine (ATTENTION all Wheaton students, alumni, and friends: got any story… Continue reading A Tribute to Christianity Today & Today’s Christian Woman

Wheaton College’s Journalism Certificate Program: #kindofabigdeal

This is a spontaneous blog post to brag shamelessly about how amazing Wheaton College’s journalism certificate program students are. Professor Tim Morgan and I just wrapped up another round of end-of-semester conferences with our students, and I’m so happy I could cry. Over the past 15 months, not only have our journalism students written hundreds… Continue reading Wheaton College’s Journalism Certificate Program: #kindofabigdeal

From Wheaton College to TIME Magazine: Elizabeth Dias’ Advice to Aspiring Journalists

“All journalists are insecure overachievers-learn how to make mistakes and own them. Your mistakes don’t define you.” This was one of many memorable phrases shared by TIME Magazine reporter Elizabeth Dias at Wheaton College’s Homecoming weekend 2013. The weekend marked her fifth year college reunion, and she came to campus as a guest of the… Continue reading From Wheaton College to TIME Magazine: Elizabeth Dias’ Advice to Aspiring Journalists

In Today’s News: Breaking Bad, Sexting, Government Shutdown, and more

The news is pretty depressing. “If it bleeds, it leads,” my Medill journalism school professors used to say–almost daily. I’ve managed to stay far, far, away from the crime beats in the newsroom, but that doesn’t change the fact that life (at least, according to newspaper headlines), sucks most of the time. Today’s headlines are… Continue reading In Today’s News: Breaking Bad, Sexting, Government Shutdown, and more

3 Pieces of Advice Every Wheaton College Student Should Know

This post was written in under 60 minutes tonight as part of ChicagoNow’s “Blogapalooza.” Every blogger (420 of us) was given the challenge to write advice to a person, group, pet, or thing in less than an hour, so as a 2011 Wheaton College graduate and current staff member with Wheaton’s journalism certificate, I wanted… Continue reading 3 Pieces of Advice Every Wheaton College Student Should Know

Expressing faith, hope and creativity at the Write to Publish Conference

I sat on an editors’ panel on behalf of Today’s Christian Woman and Christianity Today at the Write to Publish Conference hosted at Wheaton College today, and the most poignant thing I heard was about the creativity Christians so often fail to express authentically. “So many Christians are afraid of offending God,” artist, poet, and… Continue reading Expressing faith, hope and creativity at the Write to Publish Conference

How Do We Save Journalism?: The Millennial Miracle Part 2

How do we save journalism? I started to answer this question in Saturday’s post with the promise I would continue to feature profiles of Millennial journalists I’ve gotten to know this year while helping out with the Journalism Certificate at Wheaton College. I believe 20something college students and recent grads are the hope and the… Continue reading How Do We Save Journalism?: The Millennial Miracle Part 2

How Do We Save Journalism?

With the way the journalistic economy is trending right now (downward spiral), it would be a miracle to think all print publications will survive worldwide. As stated in this Guardian article, “Losing money is not a business model. It is a going-out-of-business model.” The Washington Examiner will cease daily publication in June, and every time… Continue reading How Do We Save Journalism?

Wheaton College Honduras Project 2013: Vive Los Cedros

Around the world, 780 million people are without water today, and approximately 1 million of those people reside in Honduras. From March 10-19, 21 Wheaton College students and I chose to do something about it by helping install a gravity-fed clean water system in a small village outside Tegucigalpa called Los Cedros. However, according to the… Continue reading Wheaton College Honduras Project 2013: Vive Los Cedros

Wheaton College Provides “Refuge” for Same-Sex Attracted Students

For the first time in its 150-year history, Wheaton College has formally instated a community group for same-sex attracted students. “Refuge” was recognized as a community group under the Student Care Committee for Student Government by President Philip Ryken Tuesday, and is composed of approximately 15 Wheaton students who identify as same-sex attracted. According to… Continue reading Wheaton College Provides “Refuge” for Same-Sex Attracted Students

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