My Life-Changing Journey to a Christian Camp in Northern Wisconsin

Greetings, all! Tonight, I am part of ChicagoNow’s “Blogapalooz-Hour: Volume XXXI.” Our editor, Jimmy Greenfield, has prompted us to write about the following prompt in 60 minutes or less: “Write about a time you followed the road less traveled and it made all the difference.”  Jimmy’s disclaimer: The famous Robert Frost poem idealistically wants taking… Continue reading My Life-Changing Journey to a Christian Camp in Northern Wisconsin

3 Pieces of Advice Every Wheaton College Student Should Know

This post was written in under 60 minutes tonight as part of ChicagoNow’s “Blogapalooza.” Every blogger (420 of us) was given the challenge to write advice to a person, group, pet, or thing in less than an hour, so as a 2011 Wheaton College graduate and current staff member with Wheaton’s journalism certificate, I wanted… Continue reading 3 Pieces of Advice Every Wheaton College Student Should Know

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