My Breast Cancer Journey Part 40: Plastic Surgery Graduation, Pregnancy, and Previvorship, Oh My!

Here we are with the best plastic surgeon at Mayo Clinic Rochester!! My twin sister and I "graduated" from regular checkups with her until 2024 because we're doing so great after our double mastectomies with direct-to-implant reconstruction!

This blog post is the 40th in a series about my (and twin sister’s) breast cancer journey that began when we were 30 years old in July 2019. In 2019, I also started documenting our younger sister’s breast cancer previvorship journey. Here is a list of all of the posts written about our journey at Mayo Clinic’s Breast Clinic… Continue reading My Breast Cancer Journey Part 40: Plastic Surgery Graduation, Pregnancy, and Previvorship, Oh My!

Princess Diana : “A Celebration”

Princess Diana was always someone I admired, but never someone I knew more about than the fact that she was royalty in England. After visiting “Diana: a celebration,” an award-winning traveling exposition showcasing the Princess’ accomplishments throughout her life, I understand why she was so important. When she died in that fateful car crash in… Continue reading Princess Diana : “A Celebration”